Sunday, 7 May 2017

morally coruption society in Nigeria

The entire world is fighting economic and financial corruption, but with less efforts to eradicate moral corruption, which is the root of all corruption. The level of corruption in the Nigeriatoday is caused by evil desires. Think of what is happening in rivers state, killing in all the local government, stealing, raping young girls destroying properties.  Corruption destroys, whether it is moral, economic or financial corruption, it makes a nation poor, kills hard word, hinders progress and gives bad name to a person or a nation. Decency is now a thing of the past because morality has gone out of the window. The shamelessness in this generation and perverted morals are appalling. Moral corruption will always bring down the judgment of God on the earth, every religion believes in this.

It is a pity that mankind as a whole has increasingly degenerated into morally corrupt society. It is quite unfortunate we are living in a world where wrong is right. Even the society helps us to be what we are. And in turn all that we do affects the society badly. A society may become disorganized and desolate, in danger of complete destruction from within because its people are behaving without any regard for the consequences of their action. we are living in a generation that is convulsed in sin. This is a generation of academic excellence, an age of unmatched technological skill, an era of unsurpassed technological development. Yet sadly enough we are also engulfed in moral retrogression, secular humanism, financial upheaval and political instability. Crime is rapidly increasing throughout the Nigeria and ravaging the face of modern society”.
Something must be done to set us free from fear, destruction and immorality. Of a truth, the evil of crime and licentiousness in our society is unbelievable and shocking. We must no longer stand helplessly aside or recoil from duty while immorality brazenly threatens to infest all that is good and pure in our society. The law enforcement agencies over the years have fought against crime and corruption, though corrupt themselves, nevertheless, they view with alarm the rising crime rate and frankly admitted they cannot do the job alone but need the wholehearted support of individuals in the form of enlightened attitude and willingness to assume public responsibility. All of us should be genuinely concerned and we should do all we can to handle the crime and immorality of our times, both for our own protection and for the well being of our society at large. APC come of in 2015 preaching of change, but where is the change? Our time demand for a change of attitude and relegation of reprobates.
Immorality is the circumstances that breed crime and must be eliminated. Immorality as we know is a global problem, a deadly disease that needs attention, and the place to begin is at home, our hearts and conscience. The gross immoralities are but magnification of evil beliefs held in individual human consciousness, while joy and happiness are the result of strict adherence to moral. If nothing is done now to prevent immorality and its participators. I see the darkness of its effect covering the earth and the gross darkness of the people. God help us. Immorality is the mother of corruption, and economic and financial corruption cannot be eradicated until the root of immorality is destroyed.
We cannot change our country where immorality both at the top, civilians are killing solders today but government do nothing in return,    middle and low level is the order of the day. If we must change, we must start from our youths now, the grassroots for a better leadership tomorrow. You can only bend a stick when it is fresh, old or dry stick will break. We need ethical and moral regeneration at all tiers of government for the rule of law to take root in our country, that body of moral that shapes our character to produce good conduct is fundamentally necessary to stabilize our positive disposition to the well conceived government pursuit for the supremacy of the rule of law. What next if we know all these? We need to work and disabuse the corrupt minds of our people if we actually need a change. I therefore call on the Federal Government, the Federal Ministry of Youths and Culture, Federal Ministry of Information, state governments, the local governments and other related agency to honestly embark on a crusade against immorality in our dear country, for a better tomorrow and for a brighter future for our children. I love Nigeria, I love Africa, What about you?

Bad society

The Nigerian society today has gone beyond normal and commonsense. Maybe because we now live in the so called global home, daily stung by the effects of sociology-globalization where many, most especially the youths, are either face-booking,whatsapping, tweeting or using all brands of tablet, androids and i-phones, that is why perhaps, in the last couple of years, an ever increasing moral and social decadence seem to apparently hit us on the face. From East to West with both South and North not left out, the societal morass paints a sorry situation of how our customs, traditions and culture are fast eroding and overtaken by Western civilization.

What stirs us in the face today is a far cry to what it was in the past. We care less about the kind of dress we put on whether it debases the very core of human nature or not. We have turned to dogs whose sexual urge is displayed anywhere and everywhere. Ironically, even dogs these days are far better than many humans today, what with the sexual romp they display in public places. Hotels spring up every now and then with youths patronizing them as if salvation exist there. On the streets, hooligans, area boys, vagabonds and nonetities litter everywhere, disturbing the peace of the land.Cigarettes have almost become obsolate as marijuana  and all brands of hard drugs are injested daily and have taken centre stage. Alcohol with the highest percentage value are consumed with reckless abandon by the youth while those who do not take them are usually seen by their peers as novice. Ex-rated films, immoral movies, shows and programmes are displayed on our screens without regulatory agencies willing to censor them, despite their sad effect on our kids.

Radios blast profane music and many celebrate artists who proliferates such profane music. In fact, without these brand of music, many artists are less recognized.


Worse of all are contemporary parents who ordinarily are supposed to be the first pointer towards a better society, busy themselves pursuing needless things at the detriment of their wards. Simply because a parent wants to survive and must bring food on the table, they put their children on the path of danger. When a kid has no parental care, he tends to become a social deviant and commits acts inimical to the society at large. The government too with its want on act of kleptocracy, to-hell-with-the-people and I-don't-give-a-damn attitude, many Nigerians have suddenly appeared to be their own local government, forgetting their duties to the home and society, caring guns of all types and government seems to do nothing.

The Western culture we all struggle to imbibe has gotten us nowhere, but rather, continues to destroy the social fabric of our society. The Nigerian youths rather than being productive are either on facebook, tweeting their lives away or even watching football or seasonal films which earns them nothing but stagnation. There is no harm in having fun, but when we do it with so much addiction, forgetting we have a role to play for ourselves and the society as a whole, it then becomes a huge problem.

For the fact that no society develops with it youths playing their lives away, it is high time for those responsible for the proper upbringing of our children and our society started thinking straight and ahead. Our society must be refrain from immorality and also wanton intake of foreign substance. The future social fabric of the Nigerian society is fast eroding and if something is not done to nip this ill on the head, we all will have ourselves to blame. It should not be the wish of any nation to have more than half of its population suffering from paroxysm of immorality. It should not begin with us.

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