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Saturday, 6 May 2017
good morning
May every path be smooth for you, May every corner bring you happy surprises, May every day put a smile on your face, May every friend bring you price and joy, May you get whatever you always wished for, And may you never forget Me! Warm wishes and Good Morning!
The Young Pope: Jude Law’s titanic comeback to the small screen

by giuliapetroni1
‘Who are you Lenny?’ ‘I am a contradiction. I’m God: one in three and three in one. Like Mary, virgin and mother. Like man, good and evil’.
Lenny Belardo — or rather, Jude Law in the role of the pope created by the Oscar-winning director Paolo Sorrentino — makes his entrance to the strains of ‘All Along the Watchtower’ by Bob Dylan in Devlin’s version. Slow and yet determined, he walks followed by a comet that turns into a meteorite and tears down Cattelan’s statue of Pope Wojtyla, symbolically replacing an old pope with a new one. The background, made up of significant paintings depicting the history of Christianity, creates a play of light that emphasizes the dichotomy between the two sides of Lenny’s face; one well-lighted while the other stays in darkness. This double vision of Pope Pius XIII reflects his human nature, both holy and sinful.
Unexpectedly young and charming, he manifests his mysteries and contradictions right in the most mysterious and contradictory place: the Vatican. At first believed to be revolutionary, he soon reveals to have a deeply conservative spirit — also recalled by the bond his formal name creates with Pope Pius XI. As a matter of fact, his first speech, where he opens to masturbation, homosexuality, abortion and euthanasia, turns out to be just the fragment of one of his dreams. In his very first homily, which he stages personally in a way that intentionally hides his face from sight, he directly accuses the faithful of having forgotten God: ‘God isn’t interested in us until we become interested in Him, in Him exclusively. […] There’s no room for anything else’. This Pope seems to be willing to reaffirm the spiritual values of religion.
His captivating, somehow desirable, vision of religion consists in refraining from exhibitionism. In an impressive talk he administers to the head of Vatican marketing and communication, refusing to take part in a merchandising campaign shoot, Lenny Belardo declares he wants to elevate the Church by generating a ‘hyperbole in reverse’. Like Salinger for literature and Banksy for art, the Pope will become invisible and unreachable as a rock star in order to spark curiosity among the world’s communities. These beliefs also make him reluctant to change and to be anything but charitable in terms of his relationships with others. Cold, distant, unpredictable, arrogant and never willing to compromise, His Holiness terrifies whoever he comes across: from Secretary of State Cardinal Voiello — who sees his power in jeopardy — to cardinals, servants and even Italy’s prime minister. There’s only one exception: the nun that really knows Lenny, Sister Mary — an amazing Diane Keaton who sleeps in a t-shirt that says: ‘I’m a virgin — but this is an old shirt’.
However, the young Pope drinks Cherry Coke Zero for breakfast, smokes cigarettes — a detail Sorrentino gleaned from Pope Ratzinger — often compares his own beauty to Jesus Christ’s, dresses to the music of ‘I’m sexy and I know it’ and goes to confession to say he doesn’t believe in God, and then that his confession is merely a joke. Not to mention the fact that he is able to work miracles — as, for example, when he firmly demands God to help Esther, a sterile woman, become pregnant. Without any doubt, he is an unconventional institutional figure: a so-called living oxymoron. Saintly and diabolical at the same time, he is in fact simply human. It is in his earthly dimension that his contradictions emerge.
The theme that runs through the whole series is his childhood (‘It all comes back to this in the end, doesn’t it? To the mother’.): it is present from the very first scene, where it manifests itself in the shape of a mountain of babies. The only thing Lenny remembers of his childhood however, is that one day it was gone. Lenny is an orphan, a man who has never been somebody’s child and yet who becomes both father and mother of the Church. His constant search for God eventually coincides with his search for his parents. Only at the end, just like in a bildungsroman novel, his severe facial features soften and, from being a reactionary and unconventional pope, Pius XIII goes back to being Lenny again, the champion of the only real human revolution: Love. And it is precisely in the love letters he once wrote to his young earthly love, that Lenny wonders about the true nature of this uniquely human sentiment. ‘What is more beautiful? […] Love lost or love found?’ He is unable to find answers to his own questions, because ‘an orphan has no way of knowing’, an orphan lacks a first love and so his naiveté derives from this.
Sorrentino’s achievement lies in the fact that it does not consist of a morbid desire to reveal the scandals of the Church — in any case, as he says himself, the Vatican takes care of that on its own — but springs rather from his wish to talk about human beings. The Young Pope is the result of the ambition and determination of the director, whose good fortune also depends on the presence of a consummate professional like Jude Law, who has claimed to have accepted the part even before reading the script. An interesting detail betrays the fact that the director chose him for the role not just for his aesthetic qualities, the young pope clearly had to break with tradition in this sense, but after having noticed his way of walking in Road to Perdition. From then on, the process of building the character of Pope Pius XIII consisted in defining the details of his spiritual journey within the wider context of the journey of the Church and the Christian community as a whole. Lenny Belardo, in the moment in which he steps onto the grandiose stage of the Catholic Church, becomes Pius XIII. Nevertheless, he finally remains more faithful to his nature as an orphan, rather than truly embodying the role of pope. This is precisely the strength of the film, which displays a man in all his naked truth. It is in fact in suffering and weakness that humanity identifies itself most strongly.
corruption in Africa
Nigeria State Injustice
by ihie israel 5/06/2017
Unless the Nigerian Government starts making immediate changes towards remedying the social divide between rich and poor Nigerians, bad things will continue to get worse
Nigeria is the most populous country In West Africa with more than 160 million people residing there. It is also the 12th largest producer of crude oil in the world and the 8th largest exporter. Nigeria also has the 10th largest proven reserves of petroleum worldwide and this plays a very important role in the country’s economy. Home to the second-largest producers of movies in the world, it’s a surprise that most of Nigeria’s population live below the poverty line.
Unfortunately, due to persistent social inequality in reference to class the growth of the Nigerian economy seems to have no positive effect on the lower class. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The corruption existent in the government allowed a political class of elites to be formed with the intent of protecting the interests of their members and to gain as much money and power as possible to feed the pockets of those within this class. The consequence of all this is that it is very unlikely that a lower-class citizen will ever be able to break into the political structure and bring about a change that will benefit and help the poor thereby improving the country as a whole.
The reason for this is that regardless of gaining a higher education and graduating with a commendable degree, or even setting up schemes to help your local area, without the sponsorship of a ‘well-known and respected’ individual within the chosen industry, the probability of getting a job in the political sphere is slim.
Additionally, there are cases where governors in certain states who should have been rounded up for presidency due to their exceptional and outstanding track records — based on various improvements made in the states that they governed — were denied the chance due to the selfishness of the ruling political class.
Rivers State is the largest producer of oil in Nigeria and was also the first state where oil was discovered. Despite the billions of dollars that have been acquired by the federal government and oil companies operating in the area, the desperate situation found in this state is beyond human comprehension. A question that keeps arising is: how can a state that is so rich in natural resources be so steeped in poverty?
It is shocking that those states which do not possess the density of wealth that Rivers has live a better life than its own inhabitants. Additionally, it is paradoxical that in the midst of such wealth there is no access to healthcare, education, electricity or gas. Furthermore, the main source of income which is found in the rivers has been interrupted and cut off due to the various oil spillages that have occurred over the years. Another worrying problem comes from the air pollution caused by the constant gas flaring and the fumes produced in the factories; most residents close to these places are affected greatly and end up developing health complications.
How can these residents get effective help when there is a limitation on the healthcare available? Much needs to be done to address the social inequality in Nigeria that results in this kind of unimaginable suffering, despair and hopelessness. One of the last spates of kidnapping that rocked this Niger-Delta area was due to the frustration felt by the youths as a result of the neglect suffered by the local population. The increase in other criminal activities such as advance fee fraud, a.k.a. ‘419’, money laundering, armed robbery etc., is primarily due to the fact that one must keep body and soul together by whatever means available — even if they are criminal.
I believe the Federal Government of Nigeria should look seriously into this situation before it spirals out of control. Continual social inequality is a proven ticking time-bomb just waiting to explode.
I had to think hard about mine, but it is probably this one:
How long will injustice continuous in African
Further decrying how the inhuman activities of the brutish herdsmen had forced the locals out of their farmlands leading to food shortage, hunger, poverty and untold hardship on the people, Otom said the government had begun the process of ending the incessant clashes through a pending bill in Benue House of Assembly that would put an end to open grazing in any part of the state.
The governor of Benue State, Mr. Samuel Ortom, has sounded a cry for help from the authorities and private interests to assist the state overcome the brutish activities of Fulani herdsmen.
Benue and Southern part of Kaduna states remain among the most affected parts of the country from carnages of the herdsmen that have left thousands dead and millions of naira worth of properties destroyed across the country.
The principle of vision
How vision work
if your are a man of vision, you will be able to know where you belong. indeed, you should be able to know where you belong! where I belong there is something greater. know where you belong. our trouble becomes easier to handle when we know that it will not last for long.Everyone is bore with various stigmas. You have you own stigmas but that should not stop you from moving on.
Whether you are a businessperson, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, author Ihie Israel explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy or what the job market is like. You do not need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time–tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision––and find your true life.
joel barker said, our vision of the futures are the most powerful motivators for human change. How do you feel about this statement?. It take a great courage to hold on to a vision in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. That is why the vision must be something of a great significance.
V|ision can never be expressed in numbers, return of overestimate, return on equity and assets, increase in profitable. Those numbers are only a consequence of vision yet t be defined.
Persistence of principle and decision
How we change what others think, feel, believe and do.
Those who give up, lose it. Those who persist, win it.
If at first you don't succeed, try again, try again and again.
How it works
Dog and bone
Like a dog worrying at a bone, a person who shows a
single-minded focus can be a fearsome opponent. Just seeing your dogged
determination can be enough to make others give up.
Argument can be a war of attrition. Both sides have fixed views, but one side is just more determined and will keep on going until they drop (and then get up and start again). If it is a case of 'last man (or woman) standing' then the truly persistent will wear all others down.Passion
Passion for your subject is important. If the other side
realizes that you care so much about your view, they may also realize that you
are not going to give in easily. They might also wonder if you have got a point
somewhere and so weaken.
Patience is a virtue that the persistent person learns. They may
not expend much energy at one time, conserving their batteries for the
long-term. Like a dripping tap, they just quietly keep going.
Persistence does not necessarily mean repeating yourself. Trying
lots of different approaches can win through. If the front door is barred, go
around the back. If the way is blocked, get a ladder. Just keep at it from every
conceivable angle. This is how hackers find the 'back door' into computers.
The wise persistent person learns at each attempt and uses
that learning not only to vary their approach but also vary it intelligently. If
one method does not work, it may only need a slight change to make it work next
So what?
Repeating yourself can be a bit of a sledgehammer, but it can also be a dripping tap that wears away the stone. If all else fails and your goal is important, try something else and just never give up.
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